Our Partners
Native American Healthcare Solutions is committed to providing the best healthcare services to our underserved communities. With years of experience in both federal and tribal healthcare and hard-won wisdom, we’ve partnered with the best in the market in providing outstanding services. Our partners expertise ranges from Leadership, Legal Nurse Consultation, Customer Loyalty, and Digital Branding.
Customer Journey & Loyalty
Attract More Customers and Win their Loyalty through Leadership & Brand Management
Visionbound International, LLC
VisionBound International helps transform individual, team and organizational culture through our three lanes: Win Loyal Customers, Instill Inspiring Leadership and Build Winning Teams.
VisionBound International provides a fully customized training program to help accelerate greatness in individuals and companies. This includes helping you win loyal customers and develop outstanding leaders. Visionbound International can assist you in creating or refining your vision and mission and strategic plan and improve how you communicate.
We are ImmerShift, a digital creative service based in Semarang, Indonesia. We have been connecting client’s creative vision into real businesses since 2012. We believe that Creative Design is the power key to win the marketing game in today’s world. Perfectly executed design help make good impressions to potential customers and loyal customers.
Our services are Graphic Designs, Branding Concepts, Digital Marketing, Social Media Management, SEO, Photography, Videography and Copywriting.
We have various client from all over the world, such; Indonesia, Utah, Canada, Hawaii, Arizona, Singapore, Japan, and many more.